Top 10 Free Traffic Sources!

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Master Affiliate Profits - Getting Traffic the Right Way

🚦 Master Affiliate Profits – Getting Traffic The Right Way To Your Website:

This is a training inside Master Affiliate Profits. To learn more about it, visit and check out the webinar hosted by the co-founders (and my mentors) John Thornhill and Omar Martin. Click on the red button that says “Become A Backer” to become a lifetime Platinum member. This is the only time you get to pay a one-time fee and remain a Platinum member for life.

Here are the indices to the courses I talked about inside Master Affiliate Profits (MapOneLink): Link

🌹 A. How To Attract Visitors To Your Product, Offer or Service:

1. Don’t put the cart before the horse:

Your business cannot exist without traffic or customers. There has to be a demand for your product/service. Make sure you know the kind of customers you want to attract or the niche you want to focus on, e.g., internet marketing. Make sure that niche is popular. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. If very few affiliates promote a certain niche, it’s because not many people are interested.

2. Build a digital stadium:

Once you’ve decided on the type of customers you want to attract, assemble a place where you can keep them and communicate with them, e.g., your Facebook page, Facebook group, forum, website, autoresponder, etc. Find a group of people with a common problem willing to spend money to solve that problem.

3. Incentivize people to join your digital stadium:

Offer people interested in your niche, e.g., internet marketing, a reason to join your digital stadium, e.g., a free eBook, a free 30-minute call to help them set up their online business, etc.

4. Identify your customer’s problem and come up with a solution:

Identify your customer’s problem, e.g., don’t know how to drive traffic to their website, product, offer, or services. Research their problem and become an expert in that niche. Then, come up with a solution. Create a product that helps them solve their problem. Make it a complete info course. This is how you’ll be able to train your customers to buy things from you.

5. Build a long-lasting relationship with your customers in your digital stadium:

Communicate with your customers constantly by posting blog articles, Facebook posts, emails, etc.

6. Ask your customers to spread the word:

Don’t be shy in asking your customers to spread the word. Many times, they don’t think about doing it. However, if you ask them to, most of your customers will gladly do so if they like what you do.

🌹 B. There are 3 Ways to Getting Traffic:

Remember, though, that you will have to pay for traffic with your money or your time. You should also look for ways to keep attracting traffic after creating your product.

1. Buy Traffic: Fastest Method

You are paying for a visitor to your website, product, or offer. There is an investment and a learning curve. To have a real self-sustaining business, you must learn how to advertise and profit from your advertising.

a. Methods of Buying Traffic:

i. Pay-Per-Click (PPC):
ii. Pay-Per-View Paper Impression (PPV):
iii. Media Buys:

This is when you place banners or ads on other people’s websites through direct contact with the website owner, agencies, and via Google AdSense.

iv. Solo Ads:

Solo ads are when you purchase email promotions from marketers who already have an audience in your niche.

v. Physical Mailing List:

b. Where to place ads:

i. Facebook Ads:

Facebook marketing is pattern-interrupt marketing. Facebook makes it possible for you to identify people with certain interests, have liked certain things, and behave in a certain way. You can target people and re-target people who have visited your site.

ii. Google AdWords:
iii. Bing:
iv. On other people’s websites:

These are called media ads, where you place banners on other people’s websites.


You can buy targeted email traffic on

vi. Locally:

2. Borrow Traffic:

This is a lot more common than PCC. It’s not as fast, but is very effective. It refers to creating a Joint Venture (JV) with another internet marketer in your niche. This is where you exchange sending customers to each other’s website, product, or offer.

a. You swap ads & promotions and provide value for each other:

If your email list is not large enough, you can barter. See what you can provide for your JV partner, e.g., help them create a product or a sales page, etc. Start building an ongoing relationship with them.

b. You can also use traffic fusion:

This is when you place a related product (usually free) in each other’s members’ area.

c. You can write guest posts on other people’s blogs:

Make sure you are producing high-quality, original content.

3. Create Traffic: Slowest Method

This is the slowest method to generate traffic as you organically build an audience. It is also platform-dependent as you must abide by their rules, e.g., Google and Facebook.

a. Organic creation of traffic requires saturation of the internet with your link, i.e., backlinking:

The more links you have back to your site, the higher it’ll be ranked in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). Also, make sure your website is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)-friendly.

b. You can also post articles in article directories, e.g., Trafficonomy:

🌹 C. Summary:

Targeted traffic plus a high-converting offer equals money.