Top 10 Free Traffic Sources!

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Social Networking to Increase Internet Traffic

1. What is Social Networking?

A. What is Social Networking?

  • Social networking is forming online connections via various social platforms.
  • This is another form of relationship marketing.

B. What is the Purpose of Social Networking?

  • Social networking provides one of the easiest and fastest ways to drive internet traffic, even when you do not have a mailing list.
  • Social networking provides a huge potential to grow your business.

2. Requirements?

3. How to Do It?

  • To make social networking/media work, you have to be social.
  • Set up meaningful connections

A. Tips for Social Networking:

a. Sign Up For the Main Social Media Sites:

  • Facebook: the number one social media site that will drive you the most traffic
  • Twitter:
  • Linkedin: this is more about business connections. At least set up a profile.
  • YouTube:
  • Your Blog: Interact with your readers and reply to comments.
  • Pinterest:
  • Flickr:
  • Instagram

b. Where Do You Start?

  • Start with your blog
  • Create a Facebook page

c. How to Interact?

  • Share photos
  • Share ideas
  • Share tips
  • Always be looking to help others
  • Be yourself
  • Be social

d. Branching Out:

  • Once you have built some presence on Facebook, then you can consider joining Twitter, Linkedin, etc.

4. Ratings:

A. John Thornhill’s Rating:

  • My mentor, John Thornhill, gives Social Networking an overall traffic rating of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5.
  • Implementation: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5.
  • Speed of Results: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5.
  • Work Involved: ⭐⭐⭐ out of 5. You have to continue connecting with others.

5. Partnership to Success Program by John Thornhill:

  • I’m following John Thornhill’s “Partnership to Success” program, which teaches you a step-by-step process to build your own successful online business. I want to specialize in the “Increase Internet Traffic” niche, so I’m learning everything about “Internet Traffic”. If you want to build your own online business empire, join his “Partnership to Success” program and follow me! 😃