Become active in the forum and get to know people there.
d. Emails:
Email people and build a connection with them.
e. Face-to-Face:
Attend events and build a connection with them.
Follow up via emails and phone calls.
f. Clickbank:
Find products to promote on the Clickbank Marketplace.
Sort your results by “Gravity”. It shows the popularity of a product.
On their product promotion page, there is a “Contact” page.
Ask them for a review copy to promote their product on your blog.
Write a comprehensive, honest review of their product on your blog.
Contact them again once you’ve made some sales.
You can then ask them to promote your product. Provide them full access to your product and the JV page. Make it as easy as possible to promote your product.
4. Ratings:
A. John Thornhill:
My mentor, John Thornhill, gives Joint Ventures an overall traffic rating of ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5. This is the most powerful way to generate traffic once you’ve built a good list of contacts.
Implementation: ⭐⭐⭐ out of 5. You need to form relationships and keep at it.
Speed of Results: ⭐⭐⭐ out of 5. This may take a while before you have a list of good contacts.
Work Involved: ⭐⭐ out of 5. It takes a lot of work initially to form connections for joint ventures. You have to keep working at it.
I’m following John Thornhill’s “Partnership to Success” program, which teaches you a step-by-step process on how to build your own successful online business. I want to specialize in the “Increase Internet Traffic” niche, so I’m learning everything about “Internet Traffic”. If you want to build your own online business empire, join his “Partnership to Success” program and follow me! 😃