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Partnership to Success Week 1 John Thornhill

1. My Thoughts:

Wow! 😃 I have accomplished so much with my online business just one week into the “Partnership to Success” program by John Thornhill. You may not see a ton of progress on my website right now. However, I’ve done a lot of behind-the-scenes work, especially regarding creating a squeeze page, creating a freebie offer, and building an email marketing sequence.

Once again, this is based on my mentor, John Thornhill’s “Partnership to Success” program, which is his flagship program, providing the most up-to-date training for creating a successful business online.

2. What Have I Learned So Far?

I already have some basic knowledge of building a website. However, I have learned so much just from week 1 of John’s “Partnership to Success” program. What I love the most about his program is that he takes you step-by-step through everything you have to do. It is very easy to follow along. I also appreciate that he keeps all the videos short so I don’t get overwhelmed and lose focus.

3. My Progress:

A. Day 1 – Laying the Foundations:

  • Today, I found my domain name
  • I already have my hosting service with
  • The most important thing to do when you first set up your blog is to decide on your Permalink Settings. I’ve set mine to “Post name”.
  • Write your first blog post to familiarize yourself with adding posts to your website.

B. Day 2 – Improving Blog Appearance:

  • John suggested using the Optimize Press theme. To be honest, it took me over a week before deciding to invest in this since you have to pay a yearly subscription for it. I also emailed their support desk to determine what would happen if I didn’t pay the yearly subscription. They replied back to say that whatever pages you have already built will still work fine. However, you cannot build any more pages once your subscription has expired if you do not renew it yearly.
  • I finally decided to take the plunge and commit to following John’s training since he goes through the step-by-step process using Optimize Press.
  • I must admit, it’s a lot easier to follow John’s training by using Optimize Press.
  • I created and added my blog header.
  • I also added an “About Me” page.
  • John provided the “Bloggers Roadmap eBook” by Dan Sumner for free to all Partnership to Success program members to go over. It was very helpful, and I learned a lot from it.

C. Day 3 – Essential Blogging Techniques:

  • Today, John and Randy presented tips for building a great blog, like the one I’m building right now. 😃
  • Keep your blog updated.
  • Provide good content so that readers will keep on coming back to read your blog posts.
  • They also provided the different types of blog posts you can create, e.g., mistakes people make posts, news posts, rants, etc.
  • And, most importantly, Always Have a Call to Action! e.g. Subscribe to your mailing list, share your post, or post a comment below your post, etc.

D. Day 4 – Your First Detailed Post:

  • Today, John asked us to write our very first official detailed post and add a graphic image so that it attracts your audience. Mine was titled “My Online Business Journey.”

E. Day 5 – Final Blog Creation Steps:

  • Today, John provided us with the fine details of our blog.
  • Activate the anti-spam plugin.
  • Create legal pages.

F. Day 6 – Your First List-Building Campaign:

  • Today, John showed us how to create a list with Aweber. I learned so much from today’s training.
  • If John didn’t show us how to create a mailing list, then I would have had to go through a lot of training from Aweber, which would have taken much longer before I could set up my list-building campaign.
  • John also showed us how to set up our optin form and integrate it with our Aweber list.

G. Day 7 – Monetizing Your Blog:

  • Today, John introduced us to join his “Ambassador” program as an affiliate.
  • This program provides all of his products that you can promote as your own. It is a great way to “earn” while you “learn” from his “Partnership to Success” program.
  • He showed us how to add an Ambassador promo image to our sidebar.
  • He also showed us how to activate our blog’s social media sharing buttons.

H. Day 8 – Building a Lead Magnet:

  • John introduced us to join his “Partnership to Success” program as an affiliate.
  • He also provided a free report for us to use for visitors to subscribe to our website.
  • I read the report and found it very informative and helpful.
  • I changed it to tailor it to my website and the kind of subscribers I want to attract.
  • John showed how to create a new mailing list in Aweber for people who subscribe to this free report.
  • Once again, this is why I find the “Partnership to Success” program very helpful for people just starting their online business.
  • It would have probably taken me weeks before I’d be able to come up with an invaluable free report and set up my Aweber mailing list if it weren’t for this program.

I. Day 9 – Blogging into the Future:

  • John reminded us today of the importance of keeping our website up to date by consistently posting useful blog posts.
  • He also provided an index of other members of his “Partnership to Success” program so that we can get to know each other and encourage each other along the way.

J. Day 10 – Winning the Email Marketing Wars:

  • John and Randy gave another presentation today on what to do so that our emails will get opened and read by our subscribers.
  • They stressed the importance of treating our subscribers with the utmost respect and delivering the best information to them.
  • The key is to build a good relationship with your subscriber. If you keep sending emails that provide useful information to your subscribers, you will build trust with them.
  • This way, if you come across useful products you recommend to your subscribers or create one yourself, they are more likely to buy them.

K. Day 11 – Your First Squeeze Page:

  • I learned so many new things from John today.
  • He showed us how to build a squeeze/landing page, which is a page on your website with an offer to attract subscribers.
  • He also showed us how to connect our squeeze/landing page to our Aweber mailing list.
  • I built my very own first landing page today, providing the free report on “How to Succeed Online“. 😃

4. Resources:

Please click on the links if you would like to purchase these and follow along with my journey. Please note that they are my affiliate links. If you purchase any of these resources using my affiliate links, then I will earn a commission so that I can feed myself, and I will be very thankful to you. 😃 You will not be paying extra for using my affiliate links. Thank you in advance! 🙏

A. John Thornhill’s “Partnership to Success” Coaching Program: Link

B. Optimize Press: Link

C. BlueHost: Link or D9 Hosting: Link

D. Aweber: Link

E. John Thornhill’s “Ambassador” Program: Link – “Earn While You Learn”

  • Earn a commission by promoting John’s products, while you learn how to create your own products through his “Partnership to Success” coaching program.

5. Join Me!

  • Join my mentor, John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success program, which teaches you step-by-step of how to build your own successful online business, and follow along with me. Post your comments below on your progress as well.
Partnership to Success Program by John Thornhill
Partnership to Success Program by John Thornhill