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Partnership to Success Niche Selection and Research

1. My Thoughts:

I have learned so much and accomplished a lot after finishing Phase 1 of the “Partnership to Success” program by John Thornhill. 😃 I am ready to move onto Phase 2 now, which is to do research and decide on what niche I want to work with.

2. What Have I Learned So Far?

In Phase 1, I already have a professional website up and running. I created my free offer for visitors to claim by subscribing (i.e., entering their names and email addresses) to it. I’ve set up two mailing lists with my autoresponder Aweber for visitors who subscribed to my free “How to Succeed Online” eBook, or visitors who fill out their names and email addresses in my “Connect with Helen” optin box at the sidebar of every page and post on my website.

3. My Progress:

A. Day 12 – Begin Niche Selection:

  • John went through an entire process of writing down 10 things you consider yourself to be good at, 10 things that other people tell you you’re good at, 10 things you enjoy doing, 10 of your favorite websites, and 10 topics you are interested in but don’t know much about yet (e.g., Traffic Generation).

B. Day 13 – Niche Selection Tips:

  • John showed us today on how to research and decide on our niche. He provided us with the “101 Niche List”, and he showed us how to do research for niches using the Clickbank Marketplace, JVZoo, Warrior Plus, and the Warrior Forum
  • He also stressed the importance of contacting his support desk with the niche we’ve selected since they will know whether it’s profitable. This is how John’s “Partnership to Success” program differs from the other training programs out there.
  • He truly walks us through every step of the way and helps us to make sure that we’re on the right path. His support desk is also very responsive and helpful. I’ve received support from John himself, his son, Alex, and Randy, all of which are very knowledgeable and eager to help.

C. Day 14 – Using PLR Material:

  • John explained all about PLR materials. He also explained the legal aspects of using PLR products and products with Resale Rights.
  • Follow the Money, Not the Traffic“.
  • Just because someone is searching for something on Google doesn’t mean they’re willing to spend the money. Find where money is getting spent, e.g., from JVZoo, ClickBank, Warrior Plus, etc.
  • John said not to complicate the process or try to reinvent the wheel. Go where people are actually spending the money, and go to the popular niche where people are willing to spend the money. It will also be easier for you to find JV partners to promote your products in popular niches.
  • You have to repurpose the content thoroughly.
  • He also showed us useful websites to find PLR materials, such as the WSO section of the Warrior Forum, the JVZoo Marketplace, and the Warrior Plus Marketplace.

D. Day 15 – Mind Mapping Your Way to Success:

  • John showed us some ideas of products we could create before we started mind mapping.
  • You can produce a PDF report. You can write a simple report that covers just one traffic (5,000 – 10,000 words). This is the easiest method.
  • You can create a presentation using PowerPoint (or KeyNote on a Mac).
  • You can create an audio presentation, e.g., when interviewing someone.
  • You can create a video presentation.
  • Multiple formats work best because they give the user a high perceived value.
  • John will be showing us how to create a “multi-format” product in his program.
  • John also showed us mind maps of many of his successful products.

4. Resources:

Please click on the links if you would like to purchase these and follow along with my journey. Please note that they are my affiliate links. If you purchase any of these resources using my affiliate links, then I will earn a commission so that I can feed myself, and I will be very thankful to you. 😃 You will not be paying extra for using my affiliate links. Thank you in advance! 🙏

A. John Thornhill’s “Partnership to Success” Coaching Program: Link

B. Optimize Press: Link

C. BlueHost: Link or D9 Hosting: Link

D. Aweber: Link

E. John Thornhill’s “Ambassador” Program: Link – “Earn While You Learn”

  • Earn a commission by promoting John’s products, while you learn how to create your own products through his “Partnership to Success” coaching program.

5. Join Me!

  • Join my mentor, John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success program, and follow along with me. Post your comments below on your progress as well.
John Thornhill's Partnership to Success Program
Partnership to Success Program by John Thornhill

    2 replies to "Partnership to Success Phase 2 – Niche Selection and Research"

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      • Helen

        Thanks for visiting my website. Your website looks great too, I’ve left a comment there as well!

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